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The Resetter Podcast: Supplements in Modern Medicine: Blending Nutrients & Technology – with Dr. Yoshi Rahm

dr. mindy pelz dr. yoshi rahm nutrients supplements the resetter podcast Jul 07, 2024

I had the privilege of being interviewed on The Resetter Podcast with Dr. Mindy Pelz recently, and am excited to share it with you. In this podcast, Supplements in Modern Medicine: Blending Nutrients & Technology, we discuss:

  • How living in a toxic world impacts detoxification pathways (and how to fix this!)
  • How EBOO therapy can benefit your mitochondrial function and energy levels
  • Why supplements like methylene blue can be beneficial for long-haul COVID symptoms
  • The drawbacks of overusing supplements and the need for a more personalized approach to supplementation

Please watch the video - Enjoy!


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