Thank You!
Oct 11, 2022
I want to sincerely express my thanks and appreciation for everyone who joined us for our Open House on October 2nd, as well as everyone who sent well wishes. We loved it - and I have to say, it was an all around tremendous success!
Being able to spend quality out-of-the-office time with our Oasis Family Medicine community and "put a face to a name" meant so very much to us, and we hope it did to everyone who was able to attend. Personally, it was very moving to have so many come up to me just to say "Hi!" and share your thoughts. I can speak for our Oasis team when I say they absolutely loved connecting with everyone. Creating and building on those connections is what it's all about. And it's what enables us to serve you to the best of our collective abilities, and we want you to know that we are here to help you along your healing journey.
I also want to thank my Oasis Family Medicine team, without whom I could not do what I do. We truly have an amazing and incredibly talented team, and I can't sing their praises enough!
Besides the fun of connecting with our community, there were even some giveaways! We gave away one EBOO treatment and three IV treatments (picture of the drawing above). Kudos to our nurses who were able to do 30+ IVs during the Open House!
Please enjoy the video - and thanks again for making our Open House a memorable one!
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