Brain Health Group Classes starting in November!
Oct 17, 2022
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Tracy, our Health Coach, and Kellie, our Nurse Practitioner, will be leading a Group Class for Brain Health starting the week of November 2nd (excluding October 31st). There are 2 different visit options: Mondays at 6:30 pm or Wednesdays at 3:30 pm – (90 minute visits). These group classes will be 4 sessions, once every 2 weeks, and provide a super affordable option to one-on-one appointments, whether or not you have insurance or Medicare. They are well worth the investment!
If you have any brain function issues such as brain fog, insomnia, mood issues, anxiety, depression, etc., then you know how these issues can affect your quality of life. These classes will help give us the objective data (possibly including a brain map) to help determine the most effective therapy and treatment formulated just for you. Both Tracy and Kellie provide exceptional care and are eager to help you improve your brain health. I strongly encourage you to check it out!
Please watch my video below, and if you are interested in the Brain Health group class, or if you have questions, please call the office at 818-957-6909, or go to our group visits page for more information or to save your spot.
Have a great week, and please feel free to pass this along!
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