The EBOO Study results are in!
Jan 30, 2023
I want to say a huge THANK YOU to all of the EBOO study participants, the entire Oasis Team for their support, and SOPMed for partially funding the study in the endeavor of seeking truth, so that we can talk more intelligently about what exactly EBOO does to a person's physiology.
The results are very encouraging - I hope to convey the relevant information without being too technical. 🙂 Please watch my video below and then read the preliminary and ongoing results that follow. Enjoy!
Objective markers:
- GFR (glomerular filtration rate) is a kidney function marker that is typically VERY difficult to improve, so to see an 11% improvement on average across all participants is impressive. We will definitely be monitoring this in future study participants.
- hs-CRP (high sensitivity C-reactive protein) is a general inflammation marker in the body and this improved by an average of 13%. This was not surprising but great to see these results.
- ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is both a marker of inflammation in the body and also a marker of the blood being too sticky. This improved by an average of 135%. This was not surprising to see an improvement, but was a pleasant surprise to see that much improvement.
Subjective markers:
- Digestion - improved or maintained in all participants
- Mental Clarity - improved or maintained in all participants
- Physical Energy - improved or maintained in all participants
- Sleep Quality - improved or maintained in all participants
There were no negative results (in my opinion) noted in the data.
We will send out another email once we are ready to start the next phase of our EBOO study, which will likely start in mid February.
Have a great week and as always, please feel free to pass this along!
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